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Crossnore School and Children's Home

North Carolina

Veterans Hospitals in NC

Asheville Charles George VA
     Medical Center
Durham VA Medical Center
Fayetteville VA Medical Center
Salisbury W.G. Hefner VA
     Medical Center


DAR Schools

Kate Duncan Smith (KDS)


DAR Approved Schools

Hillside School
Hindman Settlement School
Berry College
Crossnore School

Today’s DAR video

This video, hosted on YouTube, highlights the vibrant, active organization the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is today.

Chapter Activities


Our chapter is an active service organization. We support the DAR ideals of promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism through a variety of activities.


Commemorative Events

Daughters of the Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter NSDAR participate in many commemorative events. The primary mission is thanking, honoring, and remembering our veterans and their families.


Wreath-laying Ceremonies

Battle of Kings Mountain

Battle of Ramsour's Mill

Battle of Cowan’s Ford

Battle of Guilford Courthouse

Wreaths Across America



The chapter helps collect and preserve genealogical records by submitting records to DAR. Chapter members help with the Genealogy Records Committee projects to index and categorize records for public use. The chapter offers genealogy and DNA workshops to the public and DAR members.


Chapter members participate in The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. We participated in the Re-dedication of the DAR Forest in the Pisgah Forest where fifty thousand trees and two bronze markers were originally dedicated on May 15, 1940.


Historic Preservation

The Historic Preservation Committee seeks to honor our nation’s heritage and local heritage. Our chapter marks graves of local Revolutionary War figures. We also help with restoration of local historic sites. In 1914, the chapter placed a fountain on the courthouse lawn in honor of the Cabarrus Black Boys. In 2014 the chapter restored and re-dedicated the fountain.

Community Service Award

The Community Service Awards Committee recognizes worthy individuals or groups in our community for outstanding voluntary achievements in cultural, educational, humanitarian, patriotic, historical, citizenship, or environmental conservation endeavors. We actively seek a deserving individual each year, who has made an outstanding contribution to our community, to receive the DAR Community Service award.


Constitution Week

The commemoration of America’s most important document is celebrated annually during the week of September 17-23. We participate in "Bells Across America" annually on September 17th to honor the signing of the Constitution. Our chapter receives proclamations for Constitution Week from all five mayors of the cities and towns in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. The Constitution Week Chair circulates memos on social media for Constitution Week and requests local schools paint their spirit rocks in patriotic colors for the week.  


Project Patriot

The DAR Project Patriot Committee supports America’s service personnel in current conflicts abroad. Individual members and chapters are encouraged to support the men and women serving in conflicts abroad in any way appropriate. These activities range from adopting a platoon to sending care packages to the troops. Our members participate in a variety of projects that aid and support veterans.


DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest

Our chapter serves the high schools of Cabarrus County for the DAR Good Citizens award. This program is open to all high school seniors enrolled in public or private schools accredited by the North Carolina State Board of Education. This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the good citizenship qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism at home, at school, and in the community. One student per year is honored from each participating school as a DAR Good Citizen. The chapter has hosted the NCSDAR District III Good Citizens Reception for the students and parents. Once a student is chosen as the DAR Good Citizen, the student is invited to participate in the scholarship portion of the program. This consists of a personal statement and an essay. If you are an educator, please contact us for more information. If you are a student or parent, please contact your school.

Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Awards

Junior and senior high school students in the JROTC program are eligible to participate in the JROTC awards. Our chapter supports the ROTC program in the local high schools. We include them in many of our celebrations and meetings. Our chapter annually awards medals to the outstanding JROTC cadet at each participating high school.


American History Essay Contest

The American History essay contest was established to encourage young people to think creatively about our nation's great history and learn about history in a new light. Students in grades five through eight are encouraged to participate. Each year, a selected topic for use during the academic year is announced, and contest instructions are published online and sent to schools by participating DAR chapters. Essays are judged for historical accuracy, adherence to the topic, organization of materials, interest, originality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness. Please contact our chapter for more information.


DAR Supported Schools

Education is one of the three primary objectives of our chapter. The DAR School Committee supports DAR projects at the Crossnore School and Children's Home. Our chapter supports the thrift shop, which takes new or gently used items for the benefit of the children and their families. All during the year, Box Tops for Education are collected and sent to be used for purchasing necessary items. We also send gift cards at Christmas for the children.


NSDAR Scholarships

The DAR awards a variety of scholarships through the National Society DAR and through the North Carolina Society DAR. All applicants must be citizens of the United States and must attend, or plan to attend, an accredited college or university in the United States. All scholarships of four or more consecutive years are renewable only upon review and approval of annual transcript by respective NSDAR Chairman. Click the following links for information on scholarships.


National Society DAR Scholarships Information

North Carolina Society DAR Scholarships Information


Pictures for the site provided by chapter members, Historic Cabarrus Association and The Lore Room at Cannon Memorial Library.

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

Site Last Updated:  January 9, 2019 

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